This is beta-staging.ub.gu.se - test environment for the library
Articles are usually published in journals or newspapers. You find articles in Supersearch or in subject specific databases. Open access articles are freely available on the web.
Supersearch contains many article databases, and covers all subject areas and publication types. Therefore, Supersearch works well when you need to find a specific article, or when you want an overview of available articles in a particular subject area.
Use the Library's subject specific databases when you want to find articles within a particular subject area. The subject databases contain many different journals within a subject. First, select the database that suits your area, and then use the database customized search features to find relevant articles.
Some databases contain articles in full text, while other databases only contain article references. If you follow the link FIND@GU in the database results list, you will learn if the journal is available as full text or in print. The link looks like this:
Scholarly journal articles are peer reviewed before being published. The review is performed by experts on the subject, to guarantee that the article is of high scholarly quality.
Use subject specific databases when performing strategic searches for scholarly articles. There you can limit your search to peer review articles and use the databases' search features to obtain a good result.
Students and staff at the University of Gothenburg can access full text articles through the university network, or by logging in with the GU account when outside of campus. Everyone visiting the University Library can use our computers to access full text articles.
About accessing e-resources off-campus
Some of the libraries' printed journals are placed on open shelves, available for you to collect and borrow by yourself. Older issues of journals are kept in closed stacks. These will have to be requested.
Scholarly articles that are published open access are freely available, which means that you don't need an affiliation to a university to get access to or read them. You can find open access articles in the Library's databases and on the web. Download and use certain plugins in your web browser to easily find freely accessible articles on the web.
Open access search services and plugins
If you have found a restricted article that the library can't get you access to, you can use the plugin Open Access Button in your web browser. This service allows you to send a request to the author about placing the article in an open access archive.
Newspaper articles are available on microfilm or in full text. You can search for newspaper articles in some of our databases.
If you need an article that is not available at the University Library, you can order a copy of the article. We then send for the copy from another library, and notify you when you can pick it up.
Contact us if you need help with articles.